Events for All Adults

Weekly Euchre Club
This meets every Wednesday in the Heritage Room.
FirstMC hosts a Euchre Club weekly on Wednesdays from 12:30 to 3 PM. If you know how to play, we would love for you to join us in this weekly tournament to welcome these newcomers to our church and show them we can have fun too! This group is open to any adults who want to join, no matter your age! If you have questions, please talk to Kevin Taylor.
Married Couples

Marriage Retreat
Lead by Stephen and Debbie Buckner
We are so excited for our upcoming Marriage Retreat! This fun weekend will be led by Stephen and Debbie Buckner. Each section of the retreat will include action points, exercises, and discussion guides to make it fun, challenging, and interactive.
Topics include:
What is a Hot Marriage?
And The Fire of God:
Stephen and Debbie Buckner have been in pastoral ministry for over 30 years. They love the church and they love marriage ministry in the church. In fact, they believe marriage ministry is not only a great need, but also a great opportunity for the church today. This is why they started Marriage Ministry Solutions, a non-profit organization that helps church leaders build comprehensive, on-going, substantial ministry to marriages. Stephen was the associate pastor here at FMC from 2011-2016 where he led the young families, small groups, and children’s ministry. Married since 1995, they were high school sweethearts and currently live in Jensen Beach, Florida.

This marriage retreat will take place at FirstMC on Friday, March 14 and Saturday, March 15. The cost of the retreat is $80 per couple which includes 3 meals. You can sign up online and pay with a credit card. Or if you would prefer to pay with cash or check, please use a paper form located in the main hallway.
The deadline to register is Sunday, March 2. If you have questions, please contact Kay Schwartz.
WOMen's Ministry

Mug & Muffin
This meets on the 1st Saturday of every other month (on the off months for IF:TABLE).
Our next Mug & Muffin is Saturday, February 8 (not February 1) from 9 to 10:30 AM in the Fellowship Hall.
Mug & Muffin is women of all ages gathering for breakfast and to hear a speaker share her story.
There is no sign up needed for Mug & Muffin. We’ll see you there!

This meets on the 1st Saturday and Monday of every other month (on the off months for Mug & Muffin).
Our next IF:TABLE is Saturday, March 1 at 10 AM or Monday, March 3 at 6:30 PM.
IF:TABLE is a gathering of women at a hostess' home over a meal to start building the relationships that God wants us to have.
IF your dream day might include escaping your home for a couple hours of blissful eating, meaningful adult conversation and connecting with women of faith. . .
IF you are a morning, “before it falls apart” person OR . . .
IF an evening “recovery” is to your liking . . .
IF:TABLE is for you!
Many of you have asked the question, “Where does the name, IF:TABLE come from? The name was inspired by the question, “If God is real…then what?”
For those who have never tried IF:TABLE but have thought about it, now is your chance! We would love to have you join us!
“If:Table means new and deeper connections”.
“If:Table is the opportunity to get to know other ladies beyond, “hello, how are you;” sharing times that consist of light heartedness as well as an awareness of sensitive hearts around the table. It enables others to safely share out of the depths of their hearts, which brings about a greater sense of caring and bonding with one another.”
Hostesses are waiting to open their doors to you!
Please register for the March IF:TABLE below by February 23.
Men's Ministry

Men's Group
Men, we are pausing this weekly meeting until further notice.
Seniors' Ministry