
Becoming a Youth Movement

What keeps us up at night? Finding ways to empower the next generation of disciple-makers. Our passion is to see students see themselves as sons and daughters of a loving Father who loves to give good gifts. They in turn deepen their love for God, grow together as His family, and share the good news of the gospel with others. We believe relational discipleship is the best way for students to become disciples who disciple others. Come join us on Wednesday nights for a family meal, worship, teaching, fun antics, and huddle times.

Whoever you are, wherever you're from, you are welcome here.

Wednesday Nights

6 to 8 PM

Why Underground Youth?

John 12:24(Message) “Listen carefully: Unless a grain of wheat is buried in the ground, dead to the world, it is never any more than a grain of wheat. But if it is buried, it sprouts and reproduces itself many times over.”
Unless a seed falls into the ground and dies, the seed never produces fruit.  The Underground is the place where students learn to die to sin, to the things of the world, and love God and others. The Underground is the place where new things are birthed and multiplied.  Ultimately, we want to see the fullness of God’s kingdom experienced in our middle and high school students and in the lives of teenagers in the greater Fort Wayne area.
Each week we meet together, 5-12th grade, for a family meal around the table at 6 PM.   Right after the meal there is a worship and teaching time followed by small group huddles for more conversation and prayer time.  Huddles are divided into grade levels and led by our Underground Youth staff.

Meet our Underground Youth Team!

Pastor Brian Gerig

Pastor Sam Hardy


Josiah Joseph

Kathryn Seelye


Kara Shrestha

John Gerig


Gabriel Secheverell

Corrine Reynolds

Fran Stabler

Serve the Fort 2024

Mission Trip Dates: July 10-14
Registration Cost: $49 through May 1 ($75 after May 1)
Registration Deadline: May 15
Who can register: Anyone who just graduated from 6th-12th grades

If you have any questions, email Pastor Brian.

*If you are needing a scholarship to attend Serve the Fort, please contact Pastor Brian.

Serve the Fort is an opportunity for middle and high schoolers to live on mission for Jesus Christ right here in Fort Wayne, going to the places that others might bypass.

(P.S. We are also offering a High School ONLY mission trip to Chicago... space is limited to only 6 students from Avalon and 6 students from FirstMC).

Here's what you'll be doing during this 5-day local overnight mission trip...
  • Participating in Camp Neighborlink which will involve completing projects all over Fort Wayne for those in need
  • Serving alongside and learning from other organizations already making an impact in Fort Wayne 
  • Growing in our awareness of the presence of God and responding to His voice as we worship and pray together (e.g., daily morning time with God, prayer walks, nightly worship and ministering to one another).


Mission Trip Dates: July 12-17
Available to: High School Students
Cost: $349 (We will teach students how to help raise money through mailing out "support letters" when we meet for our Serve Chicago training on Wednesday, May 8. Our prayer is that your costs will be covered through the generosity received by sending out "support letters".)
Application Deadline: Please submit your application by Sunday, April 21
Training Date: Wednesday, May 8 from 7-8:30 PM at FirstMC

If you have any questions, email Pastor Brian.

Serve Chicago is an opportunity for high schoolers to experience firsthand how God is at work in another city and to join Him in that work.

Here's what you'll be doing during this 6-day overnight mission trip to Chicago...
  • Partnering with Pastor Antonio Mariscal (who is part of the Missionary Church) and the church body he pastors in Chicago. We will serve alongside Iglesia Evangelica Emanuel to love people by providing for their physical needs and by pointing them to Jesus.
  • Serving alongside and learning from other organizations already making an impact in Chicago.
  • Growing in our awareness of the presence of God and responding to His voice as we worship and pray together (e.g., daily morning time with God, prayer walks, nightly worship and ministering to one another).

Space is limited to only 6 high school students from FirstMC and 6 high school students from Avalon Church. This means we will be accepting applications through April 21. From there, we will prayerfully consider which 12 students to take to Chicago and communicate to all students by Wednesday, April 24.

If a student applies for Serve Chicago and is unable to go based on limited capacity, there will be an opportunity to partake in Serve the Fort.

In this situation, a student does NOT have to fill out a Serve the Fort AND Serve Chicago application. The Serve Chicago application will suffice.  


Will my son or daughter feel welcomed?

Yes! We know that visiting a new group of people can bring anxiety. We work hard at making sure your son or daughter feels welcomed by adult leaders as well as other students.

What can I expect at a youth gathering?

We meet students where they are and create space for them to meet God through worship, the Bible, and each other. Because Jesus asked us to disciple others, we place a high emphasis on knowing God’s voice and responding to what He is saying. We use Jesus’ life as an example and train teens to live and lead like Him. At youth gatherings, we pattern each week to represent one of four aspects of Jesus’ life: UP (worship), IN (family), and OUT (evangelism) and APPLICATION (practices).

Will my son or daughter be safe?

Absolutely! We interview and perform background checks for all of our leaders. We always have two adults present with students and every leader is trained to take seriously the responsibility of keeping your student safe and reducing the risk of any harm.

How can I get involved as a parent or guardian?

We realize that we only have your son or daughter for 52+ hours a year.  With that being said, we also realize that we are an important part of helping you disciple your son or daughter.  If you are sensing a call to NextGen ministry, consider hosting a small group of students at your home each week.  We call them Tables.  We’d love to talk to you about that.  It can be centered around a sports team, dance troupe, neighborhood, home-school network, or anything!  Our goal is for regular everyday students to live and lead like Jesus did.

How do I stay up-to-date with what is going on?

We have a Facebook group for parents where we post events, pictures, and more. Check it out at: