
Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.

James 4:8

Being intentional to fellowship with the Lord – be it while working, resting, playing, serving, mourning, laughing, coming, going, planning, doing, learning, teaching, waiting, eating, drinking – is never a waste of time, energy, thought or talent. It is the abundant life to abide in Christ. It is a life constant in prayer.

Prayer, simply put, is talking to God, but it implies a two way conversation where we are not only actively sharing our hearts, but actively listening as well. Pastor Erwin Lutzer says it this way, “The purpose of prayer isn’t so much to get answers from the Almighty, as it is to have fellowship with the Almighty. Although we come to the Lord occupied with our need, we must leave off occupied with our God.”

At First Missionary Church, we want to be known as a praying church – a church who intentionally seeks to abide in the Lord. As a church, we want to stay dependent on prayer.

Preservice Prayer Group

Led by Aaron and Mary Brown

If you are looking for something to do on a Sunday morning at 9 AM, you are welcome to meet in the Chapel where you can join others who gather every week to pray over our worship service. Stop by anytime!

Weekly Prayer Sheet

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The Weekly Prayer Sheet is compiled by our Prayer Communicator, Victoria Ling, and sent out on Wednesday mornings.  

Praise and Prayer Requests

If you have a prayer request or a praise, please fill out this form.